Explore these video highlights to learn more about the music and stories of Springwood Avenue. Hear directly from the musicians and other individuals who lived it, as they share their personal stories and experiences.
We are committed to sharing the stories of the musicians and other individuals who have shaped the music and culture of Springwood Avenue. We hope that these videos will help to preserve the history of the area and create a lasting legacy.
These videos were produced by, or in collaboration with, AP-AMP.
This video celebrates several musicians and music industry professionals whose careers touched Springwood Avenue and inspired the "Asbury Park Sound."
Featuring: Dolores Holland, Clifford Johnson, Alford Griffin, J.T. Bowen, Dorian Parreott, Fred Wynn, and Duval Moore
AP-AMP and the Asbury Park Public Library and project partners are shining a light on the music and cultural heritage of Springwood Avenue through oral histories, research, writing, and programs. The larger-than-life personalities and homegrown musical talent are unique to this city by the sea, but the stories reveal historical narratives shared with African-American communities across the nation.
Asbury Park, New Jersey is a city known for its music. However, the stories surrounding the rich music scene on the west side of town, in the heart of the city's African-American community, are lesser known. One of the most beloved music venues, The Turf Club, is the last remaining structure that once housed one of the west side's celebrated music spots. This video is a historical fiction documentary that outlines the story of this legendary music venue.
This documentary focuses on the current state of the Turf Club and its future, as of 2023.
Produced by Bruce Booker, There You Go Productions.
In this video, the Asbury Park African-American Music Project (AP-AMP) interviews musicians and friends of Gladstone Trott. "Gladdy" was a musician in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Interview moderated by Charles Trott, member of AP-AMP and brother of Gladstone Trott.
Interviewees: Sandy Sasso, Donald Blue Sr., Cliff Johnson, Tommy La Bella, Dorian Parreott, and Sandy Sasso.
An introduction to our organization.